RalfWausE's private Homepage
Welcome to another new page in the static web! You will find here personal ramblings, some articles about computers (but usually the more "alternative" kind of computing), some cooking recipes and... everything else i guess.
Why a personal Homepage in 2024?
A normal person of todays day and age would probably ask: "Why not simply use Facebook or Twitter?"
Its... complicated ;-) Lets just say that i have a very negative view on most social media, especially the aspect of using an algorythm to feed outrage and hate to keep the users engaged. I also like the idea of keeping in control of the space where i publish stuff. Would you like that someone (perhaps soon an AI) can delete or redacts the stuff you put online to be more marketable? Yeah me neither.
Also, while this page here is indeed new, i have also a running phlog in gopherspace on the SDF, so this page is more another try to dig myself a bit out of the underground again.
Why does ist look so... weird?
Well, i try to keep everything compatible with as many browsers as possible, and i simply like the aesthetic of the OLD web i witnessed as a kid also i am perhaps not very good at html ;-)
About me
My name is Ralf, i was born in 1983 and i am living in Germany, currently i work as an "IT-Administrator" for a rather small company which leads to me having to deal with every task the computer world throws at me: From wiring networks, designing some graphics, writing code... and i am loving it!
I am married and the dad of a son who as of now (December 2024) about two years old.
You can contact me via email at ralfwause@posteo.de or via the Fediverse @the_wiz@bbs.coredump.online